BCS Global Markets Has Secured Accreditation from RSMB Corporation as Arranger of Bond Issues by SMEs
BCS Global Markets and RSMB Corporation have signed a cooperation agreement, empowering RSMB Corporation to offer guarantees for exchange bonds of small- and mid-cap companies where BCS Global Markets acts as the arranger.
SMEs need support to scale their business under the Russian realities, and one such tool is the bond placement in the MOEX Growth Sector, with guarantees from RSMB Corporation. Companies seeking to become issuers and receive appropriate support must meet certain requirements, which are outlined on the websites of RSMB Corporation and MOEX.
“SME bond issues hold an essential part in the Russian debt capital market and are becoming increasingly appealing to investors, especially to retail customers. BCS Global Markets continues to provide high quality services to its clients and will be glad to cooperate with new SME issuers as an arranger, including under the cooperation agreement with RSMB Corporation,” said Natalya Vinogradova, Deputy Head of DCM at BCS Global Markets.
RSMB Corporation
A successor to the Credit Guaranty Agency, JSC RSMB Corporation was set up 2015 and operates under Federal Law No. 209-FZ ‘SME Development in the Russian Federation’ dated July 24, 2007. The shareholders include the Russian Federation and VEB.RF. Rating: ААА(RU), outlook: stable. Guarantees by JSC RSMB Corporation have been assigned a top quality ranking by the Bank of Russia’s Regulation No. 590-P dated June 28, 2017.
Growth Sector
Set up in 2017, the MOEX Growth Sector is a platform where only securities by small- and mid-cap companies can be issued and traded. The project has been supported by Industrial Development Fund (IDF), Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), RSMB Corporation, Russian Export Centre (REC), as well as Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Industry and Trade Russia, and the Bank of Russia.